With the ever-increasing costs of health care, building a culture of health in the workplace
has never been more important. At Central Collision Center, we recognize the
value of our employees’ health and overall well-being and are committed to a wellness program
that benefits each of them. Our goal is to become a healthier group, reduce the cost of
health care for both our employees and the organization and have some fun
along the way! Our wellness program focuses on three key areas:
- Prevention and early detection
- Education
- Physical activity
begin our wellness program with an in-depth health and wellness screening. The
yearly screening has two components:
a health questionnaire and a blood draw. The questionnaire assesses
lifestyle choices to help give a bigger picture of participants' overall health. Each participant receives a summary of their results
in a confidential easy-to-read report. The summary provides a wellness score,
identifies risk factors and gives them a better idea of focus areas for health and behavior
In order to realize the full benefit of the wellness screening,
employees are encouraged to screen annually. By screening annually, our
employees have comparative data that recognizes their accomplishments and helps
keep them on the path to healthier living. As an added bonus, those who screen
annually receive the benefit of saving money on their health insurance.
Employees wear pedometers daily to log steps and physical activity. |
Education is key to raising awareness and creating
a successful program. At Central Collision, employees have an opportunity to
learn through a variety of avenues. Company sponsored Lunch ‘n Learns have
covered such topics as Food 101, The Top 10 Reasons You are Fatigued, Stress
Relief and Living a Youthful Lifestyle. Other learning opportunities are
available through Centralized - our company newsletter, and websites sponsored by our health
insurance provider and pedometer program.
We encourage physical activity at Central Collision
through our pedometer program, which our employees can participate in at no
cost. Our pedometer program engages our employees in their health, gets
them moving and has provided an opportunity for fun through some healthy
competition with co-workers companywide!
Each participant has one year to advance through 5
levels by earning points for walking and engaging in other forms of physical
exercise that keeps them active and off the couch! As participants advance
through each level, they earn rewards. If a participant reaches level 4 within
the year, they qualify to save money on their health insurance. Other
opportunities to earn points include:
- Adding entries in their activity journal
- Logging measurements
- Completing a health snapshot questionnaire
- Signing a
tobacco free agreement
- Creating and participating in challenges
Participants earn unique rewards as they reach each level. |
In the month of March, we are sponsoring March
Madness - a companywide step challenge. Shop teams will be formed to take part in
some friendly competition. The two teams with the highest average steps taken
in 10 days will advance to the next bracket. These two teams will compete in
another round for the championship!
All participants will have the opportunity to earn bonus points and
chances to win a prize in a raffle. The more steps they take, the further they
advance and the greater the opportunity they have to win!
The benefits of a successful wellness program reach
far beyond lowering health care costs. Healthier employees are more productive
at work and at home. Health-related absenteeism is reduced, morale is
increased and employee retention is improved. In addition, wellness programs
promote being an educated, knowledgeable consumer regarding health care choices
and leading a healthy lifestyle.
By providing a wellness program, we empower our
employees to take control of their health. It is our hope that in
adopting healthy practices at work our employees will bring them home to promote wellness with their
families. Everybody wins with this program in place. At Central Collision, we encourage and support our employees in this lifestyle every step of the way.