Central Collision Center has taken several steps to create a healthier workplace for
our employees over the past year. Our employees are family to us, and we want
to keep our family as healthy as possible. With the ever-increasing costs of
health care in mind, our objective is to provide education and awareness that
can lead to change in poor habits and a decline in healthcare expenses.
“Our goal and purpose is to
gradually change habits that will result in our employees becoming healthier while
having fun along the way,” said Patty Burke, human resources manager for
Central Collision Center. “We have committed resources to make this happen and
are confident that continuing on the path of workplace wellness will enhance
the lives of employees.”
Here are some ways the Central team is improving its health:
Health Screenings:

Pedometer Program:
Last September, Central Collision
introduced the Virgin HealthMiles Pedometer Program in all of our locations.
Each employee received a pedometer, which tracks his or her steps for the day.
Number of steps correlate with HealthMiles. When employees accumulate a certain
number of miles, they receive rewards. Prizes include free lunches, movie
tickets, Visa gift cards, health club memberships, raffle tickets and more.
Employees can earn additional
HealthMiles for completing their online Virgin HealthMiles profiles. On these
profiles, employees can complete a health snapshot, add in their measurements,
log exercise sessions and create personalized workout plans.
To celebrate one year of wellness,
Central Collision employees will compete in the Race to the Finish Challenge. From
Aug. 18 to 31, employees will race to accumulate as many steps as possible. The location with the highest
average steps will win additional HealthMiles.
are making wellness a priority at Central Collision Center, and we encourage
you to do the same. Look for us at the New Lenox Mind Over Miles 8K/1 mile run
where many of our employees will be running! Come join us or cheer on our team!