Thursday, September 19, 2013

Take the Pledge to Never Text and Drive

Grab your phone and check the last text message you sent. Imagine typing that text at 60 miles per hour. Is that text worth potentially injuring yourself or others? It can wait.

As a member of the National Auto Body Council (NABC), Central Collision Center is proud to support AT&T’s “Texting and Driving…It Can Wait” campaign as it aligns with the NABC’s Distracted Driving initiative. AT&T’s goal through this campaign is to save lives and make texting and driving as unacceptable as drinking and driving.

Tag us on Instagram 
(centralcollisioncenter) and use 
the hashtag #ItCanWait to show 
your support.
Our industry too often sees the devastating impact of texting and driving. We may be able to repair vehicles, but we cannot repair the physical harm that results from texting and driving collisions.

The statistics surrounding this epidemic are startling:
  • Those who read and send text messages while driving are 23 times more likely to be in a crash
  • 100,000 crashes per year involve drivers who are texting
  • 49% of commuters admitted to texting while driving - a higher rate than reported by teens
  • 75% of teens say texting and driving is "common" among their friends
  • 97% of teens say texting while driving is dangerous - but 43% admit to doing so
  • 9 in 10 teens expect a reply to a text/email within 5 minutes, which puts pressure on them to respond while driving
  • 77% of teens say adults tell kids not to text/email while driving - yet adults do it "all the time"

Thursday, September 19 is Drive 4 Pledges Day. We are asking you to take the pledge to never text and drive by visiting After you take the pledge to never text and drive, share this information with your loved ones. Your voice can save a life, and together we can make our roads safer.